Sunday, August 22, 2010

Largest Sea Cave - More Sea Lions

While we were in Florence we visited an excellent aquarium.  The displays showcased a variety of specimens of sea life.

We saw seahorses.......................


and puffins.

We traveled from Florence, OR, to Newport.  On the way we stopped at the largest sea cave where sea lions mate and raise their young.  During the summer they are found on the beaches near the cave.  But before we got to go down into the cave we had to park the coaches.  What an experience!  We practically met the tow cars as we drove around three sharp switchbacks.  We were relieved once we were on top at the parking area; then we realized that we had to go back down the same road.

After arriving at Newport we took a short trip to a lighthouse which we climbed the circular staircase of 114 steps.  The view was breath taking.