Friday, June 30, 2017

Learning about the Tlingit First Nation Culture and Traditions

We left Downtown RV Park and headed for Whitehorse Pioneer RV Park.  It was another beautiful drive and we stopped at Rancheria Falls.  The boardwalk took us to an overlook which allowed great views of the falls.

After viewing the falls we crossed the Continental Divide and it was all downhill from there…..not exactly.  We still had several hill climbs.

Our next stop was the Tlingit Heritage Center.  Here were learned about the First Nations’ Culture and traditions.  The center had a Native American who had lived in the area all her life.  She shared her life experiences and told how she tanned hides.  She used a tanning soap in the tanning process which she makes.  It is made of moose brains, butter, bacon
grease, and…….surprise……Velveeta Cheese.  What a combination of ingredients, but it works and we saw the results.  The end product was beautiful soft leather which would be used for vests, jackets, or mukluks.   In front of the center were hand carved totems which represented the 5 clans.