Friday, July 28, 2017

Valdez - A Menagerie of Wildlife

The Mountain View Campground at Palmer had campsites with grass and, and we also saw goats across the road.  We left Palmer and traveled to Valdez.  It was another overcast day but, we did see
Worthington Glacier near Thompson Pass.  We had been told that the road was rough but, everything rattled including my “eye teeth”.

We arrived at Bear Paw Campground in Valdez and the campsites were within walking distant to the docks.  After setting up we visited the fish hatchery which incubates salmon.  When the salmon return to the site where they were born, they are stopped from
traveling on up the river by a dam.  This forces the adult salmon to use the fish ladders which lead them to large holding tanks.  The eggs are harvested from the pregnant salmon and are milked so that the eggs can then be fertilized.  Over 20,000 eggs are harvested a day.  This hatchery is important to the repopulation of the salmon each year.  Later in the day we came back to see the Steller Sea Lions feeding on the salmon near the hatchery. The sea lions can reach a weight of 1200 pounds. Before we returned to the coach we took photos of two spectacular falls which were hundreds of feet high.  The one in the picture is Bridal Veil Falls.