Saturday, August 31, 2019

Marseille - City of Old World Charm

The day began again with breakfast on the Veranda. We have decided that this could be be habit forming. After eating we toured Marseille by bus.

The city began as a fishing village and later became the capital of Provence. As we entered the city, their fishing heritage was evident. There were fishing boats, yachts, ships of all sizes.

It is amazing how many buildings built in the 1600's or before are still standing and in use. The buildings seem to cling to the hillsides with narrow roads leading to the homes and small shops. Notre Dame de la Garde can be seen from a great distance because it sits on the highest point in the city.

After the tour we had free time to walk though the city. The city building was beautiful with flags flying out front. The ornately craved stonework is still amazing and has withstood the test of time. Even the occupation by the Germans during the war did not destroy this building.

We found an intricately carved and painted carousal. We sat and watched as children enjoy their ride.

We continued our walk and found a very small shop which sold items from the area....and yes we left with a shopping bag with spices and lavender.

As we left town we saw a copy of the sculpture of "David", the prison where the Count of Montecristo was held, and the forts which guarded the port. Wow!