Saturday, July 8, 2017

Fairbanks, a City of Wonders

Friday, we traveled to Fairbanks and the views along the road were spectacular.
Our first stop was at the Visitors Center which had a milepost marking the end of the Alaska Highway.  We met two young men biking across Alaska and one of them was planning to travel to Mexico. Ah…the energy of youth.

The road conditions were much better which made driving a much more pleasurable task.  We stopped along the road and ate lunch along the Tintina River.  What a peaceful scene to watch the logs float down the river.

After arriving at the Riverview RV Park, we took a bus tour to the Pioneer Village and had a delicious dinner at the Salmon Bake.  We had salmon and cod which was a real treat.  

We then took in a musical at the Palace Theater. 
It was a humorous production portraying the history of Fairbanks.  The characters brought many smiles and laughs to the audience.  Very enjoyable!!!

Saturday, we began another bus tour which included a stop at the University of Alaska Museum.  The museum had many displays and artifacts that allowed visitors to better understand how Alaska has changed through the years.  The scrimshaw art illustrated the high level of craftsmanship that was present in this area.
  The museum also had many fossils of animals that inhabited the region many thousands of years ago and animals that are still living in Alaska today.

We took a river cruise that passed the home of Susan Butcher who is a famous musher that won the Iditarod four times.  She was a very independent woman who built her own cabin and began raising and training dogs for the race.

Further down the river we stopped at a Native American village that illustrated the life that they led.  The Athabascan Indians created the parka which allowed them to live in the extreme temperatures.  The clothing was well crafted and beautiful.  We also saw a fish wheel which is used to catch fish. 

Near the village were caribou/reindeer where we were able to get a close-up view.  We had no idea that their antlers were so large.  It was an enjoyable day and we left a little smarter.