Monday, August 21, 2017

Homeward Bound

On our last leg through Canada we traveled on the “Icefield Highway” through Alberta.  The views continued to be beautiful and showcased several glaciers.
Crossing the border back into the United States went quickly with no delay.  We camped at Lewis and Clark Campground again in Shelby, Montana.  That evening we were treated to one of the best
sunsets we have ever seen.  It was glorious!
On Monday we arrived in Bozeman and stayed at the Bozeman Hot Springs campground.  Adjoining the campground were the hot springs which have recently been remodeled. It was a pleasure to sit and let the warmth of the water relax every muscle in our body. We enjoyed our second visit with family including the game Aggravation and soaking in the hot springs.
Thursday was our anniversary and we took a drive to the Yellowstone lodge for our lunch and like clockwork Old Faithful erupted on time.  It continues to be a popular attraction which inspires all who see it.

Today we have been delayed due to a problem with the transmission.  We took the coach to the Ford Dealer who ordered a part and should be on the road tomorrow.  We are keeping our fingers crossed.
Bettie and I are looking forward to returning to Indiana and seeing the Hoosier landscape and home.