Saturday, September 7, 2019

Dubrovnik, "paradise on Earth"

Dubrovnik is a historic jewel on the Adriatic Sea with gleaming 12th-century medieval streets and incredibly preserved structures. The town is all surrounded by a towering medieval wall. From our veranda we could see this beautiful city spread out across the hillside.

Notice the bright orange tile roofs. They are common to most of the buildings.

We were limited in taking pictures due to the rain, but when we were ready to disembark the rain let up. In front of us was one of the three main gates which allowed us to enter the old town.  We entered through Pile Gate.

As you can see it was quite busy. There were at least four cruise ship that had docked today.

One of the first things we saw was Onofrio's Fountain. Water was piped to the town in the 14th century and this fountain is still working today.

Many people could be seen filling their water bottles with the cool refreshing water.

Next on the left, was the Franciscan Monastery. We were
fascinated that this is the location for oldest continuously operating pharmacy in the world.

Dubrovnik has many churches, monasteries, and mosques. Many of the churchs' treasures were destroyed by the eartbquakes in 1667, but still there are many church artifacts on display awe inspiring.

There are several steps leading to the Jesuit Monastery. You may recognize the steps from the TV series, "Game of Thrines".

We had a great day inspite of the rain. Tomorrow we are off to Split.