Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Napoli- Greek, Normad, Roman, Spanish, French?????

Napoli, Naples in English, was occupied by many different peoples. It was founded by the Greeks and later occupied by the Romans. Today, Roman ruins have been found such as the Roman baths.

Later the Sicilians ruled Napoli and the royal family built the Royal Palace of Naples which is still standing today.

During WWII Mussolini's forces occupied the city because of the importance of the harbor. It was the second largest city in Italy, and he heavily invested in buildings and infrastructure for the city. Because of the importance of the city it was heavily bombed by the allies. Many of the historic buildings and structures were destroyed. Priceless artifacts were gone forever.

The Napoli train station is building of importance still today.

People around the world have a warm attraction to the city due to the abundance of elegant fountains, statues, and churches.  They all have detailed and intricate carving that is not to be found in today's towns.

This church was rebuilt to its original style after a bombing during the war.

The last stop on the tour was at the Villa La Floridiana Museum. The displays were amazing including many priceless artifacts from many past eras.

Today, excavation is continuing and many artifacts have been found from the past.

We had another day of wonder as we explored different places and cultures.