Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Day in the Life of the Amish

This morning we attended a audio visual presentation entitled "Jacob's Choice". It told a story about Jacob who was of age to decide whether he was going to join the Amish church or go English. English refers to all people who are not Amish and are considered "worldly". He finally decides to join the church and marries an Amish girl. After the presentation we took a buggy ride through the countryside. Our guide further explained the way of life for the Amish. For example they do not use AC electricity, but can use battery power. They don't own cars, but do use tractors. They don't have electric washers, but have gasoline powered washing machines. It was truly and interesting ride.
After the buggy ride we went to the town of Intercourse where we visited a pretzel factory. The pretzels are made by hand. We were given a chance make pretzels and surprisingly enough they actually came out. See picture.
The day ended with a visit to two Amish farms. The first had several products made by the Amish including handmade quilts. Bettie and I were fascinated at the variety of patterns including on quilt that was the "Jello Bar" quilt. We had never heard of that pattern.
At each farm we were allowed to walk through the barns and see the animals. Animals play an important part in the lives of the Amish. Donkeys are the preferred animal to work the fields.
As our tour ended, we were hosted by an Amish family in their home for dinner. All the food was prepared by family members for the forty plus caravanners. It was delicious! We had fried chicken, ham loaf, green beans, mashed potatoes, beets, peaches, homemade bread with a peanut butter spread, and a choice desserts. No one left hungry. With bellies full and smiles on our faces we headed home.