Friday, September 4, 2009

Kreider Farms and Lancaster Countryside

Today our adventure continued with a bus tour of the surrounding area of Lancaster, PA. The first stop on the bus tour was the Kreider Dairy Farm. We got to see one of the largest milking facilities where they milk over 14oo cows twice a day. It takes approximately 4 minutes to milk a cow due to the modern facility.
You can see the carousel where the cows enter a turntable, and are prepped and milked. The cows then back out of the carousel and are
returned to the barn. The barn was large enough for the sightseeing bus to travel down the middle with cows on both sides.

To see the tour that we took go to and click on Introductory Tour.
We also took tour of Downtown Lancaster and learned about the history of the town. For example it became a town in 1730. Also several famous historical people came from Lancaster. President James Buchanan was born in Lancaster.
We ended the day by attending the musical "In the Beginning", which was a play about t
he book of Gensis. The music and singing was fantastic, but we were fascinated by the live anim
als that were used. Horses, dogs, ducks, pigs, donkeys, doves, and sheep were a few of the animals that crossed the stage or traveled up the aisles without people leading them. It was truly amazing! Just before writing this blog entry we met with the group for a get together. We are enjoying our stay in Lancaster.