The trip to Bozeman was uneventful, but we stopped at our favorite rest stop in Chamberlain South Dakota. For those who have never stopped at this rest area it is worth your visit. It has a museum that chronicles the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Exhibits include many reproductions that help the visitor understand the trials, the goals, and the successes of this adventure by Americas early explorers. They have reproduction of keelboats and canoes that were used for travel as well as tools, clothing, and food provisions which were needed for the long trek across the United States.

A new addition to this rest area is the 50 foot statue named "Destiny". The statue represents the rich Native American culture of South Dakota. The Native woman gracefully wears a dress of the 1850's and holds an outstretched quilt featuring her star quilt. It is a representation of respect, honor and admiration of the Native American culture. What a beautiful piece of art that glitters in the sun.
But the best part of the day was gathering with family upon our arrival in Bozeman.