As a testament to their craftsmanship, the buildings
have remained structurally sound and retain the style of the period in which they were built. It was also interesting to note that trellis were attached to the homes and buildings to support grape vines which were used to grow grapes. The grapes were later harvested and made into wine. After enjoying the sights we had a great German lunch at the Ox Yoke. One lunch was wiener schnitzel and the other was jager schnitzel and both delicious.
In the afternoon we enjoyed a musical performance at the Old Creamery Theater. "The Million Dollar Quartet" which is a musical that was set the the 1950's when Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash got together for the one and only time at Sun Recording Studio. The show chronicled the lives of each singer and included many of the hits that made them famous. The actors/singers were well chosen for their outstanding voices that reminded you of the past musicians.
Amana truly is an interesting place to visit.