Thursday, July 14, 2016

Arrow Rock

On Wednesday, we left Victorian Acres and headed to Missouri.  I fought the crosswinds, but only later realized the intensity of the storm.  When we arrived at Arrow Rock State Historical Site we found branches across the road to the campground and we were told that they had no power.  We set up on a nice wide campsite that was level.  What a beautiful park.  We decided to go to the small town of Arrow Rock.  The town has many old homes and stores that have been restored or maintained to look like they did in the 1800's.  There was a church that had been converted to a theater.  We checked with the box office and found that seats were available for the musical, 1776 the Musical, for the evening performance.  We arrived at 7:30 and were surprised to find that the 400+ theater was full.  The singing by the actors and the music by the orchestra was excellent.  It was interesting to see how the individual representatives of the Second Continental Congress argued and connived to get what they wanted.  In fact it was a little like congress today.  What a delightful evening.

Today, we visited the Cooper Oak Winery and tasted a few wines.  The owner took us to the back of the building and showed us his collections of old tools which were mostly used to make barrels.  We also bought a couple of bottles of local wine.  Next we went to the Les Bourgeois Winery.  Again, we enjoyed tasting wine and we also got to sample different rums that were distilled locally.  After the tasting we went to the winery's bistro.  Wow, what a delicious lunch.  In addition to the great food, we also got to enjoy great views of the Missouri River.  Tomorrow we are off to more wineries.