Friday, July 8, 2016

Havng Fun with Family

We have been having some good old fashion fun with family.  When Bettie was growing up she remembers watching her grandfather and uncles playing croquet.  This was not the prim and proper game that many played at that time.  They played for revenge.  They further you could send your opponent to the edge of the playing field the better.  She also remembers her relatives stringing lights on the clothesline so that they could play into the wee hours.

Well we did play croquet, but probably not as vindictive as her granddad and uncles. We did have fun and the croquet area did provide its own challenges with bumps and holes that you didn't see when you made your perfect shot.

As you can see Bettie inherited some of her dad's and granddad's genes.  Look as her concentration!

We also played many board games just as families used to do in the past.

On Thursday, we traveled to Big Sky.  What a beautiful trip if you are not doing the driving.  The road winds between the foothills along sparkling mountain streams.  Our destination was an open air venue where a band, The Heathens, were playing.  They were excellent.