Saturday, July 9, 2016

Tubing on the Madison River

Had another great day in Bozeman.  We went tubing on the Madison River which was named during the Lewis and Clark expedition.  It is a wide, swift river that is very shallow.  The deepest part might have been 18 inches deep.  We had six tubes which we tied together and leisurely floated done the river.  Bettie and I both commented that with little effort we traveled fairly swiftly in the current.  Pat, our hero, got out when ever we drug in the shallow parts of the river and pulled us back into the current.  The water was cool, but it was a warm day so it was just perfect for tubing.

Oops, when we got to the landing where we were supposed to get out, I realized that I had left my keys in the truck and we did not have anyway to get into our car.  Pat got a ride back to where we had put the tubes in and came back to pick us up.  Oh, well it all turned out OK.

That evening we went to a downtown theater which has been restored to its former glory.  It has lots of intricate plaster work and a huge crystal chandelier.  The Shootist, was showing with John Wayne.  We all enjoyed the movie in which the "good guy" prevailed.