Saturday, July 2, 2016

On the Road Again

Having traveled from Goshen, we have passed through, Illinois, Iowa, and have stopped in South Dakota for the night in Belvidere which is near a 1880's pioneer town  On the way here we stopped at the rest area near the Missouri River.  It is easy to locate when you see a contemporary structure that looks like the poles for a huge tepee.
 The rest area has several Lewis and Clark exhibits which help you better understand the hardships and challenges in crossing this western wilderness.
The overlook is one of Bettie's favorites. You can see across the river which runs through a deep valley.  It is hard to imagine crossing the Missouri River with a covered wagon, horses, and oxen.  Not only would the distance across be a challenge, but the current and the steep banks would have made it seem an impossible task.  Tomorrow we are on the road again and will travel to Harden.